Was Taylor Pantalemon Of Ladera Ranch Found? What Happened To Her? Missing Teen Update

Was Taylor Pantalemon Of Ladera Ranch Found? Taylor Pantalemon Ladera Ranch, a resident of California, has been missing since February 22nd. According to the most recent news, she has yet to be found.

Taylor Pantalemon, a 16-year-old kid, has been missing since Monday from her mother’s home.

Was Taylor Pantalemon Of Ladera Ranch Found? What Happened To Her? Missing Teen Update

Pantalemon, according to the authorities, left her phone and vehicle unattended. Since then, police have had difficulty locating the adolescent.

Was Taylor Pantalemon Of Ladera Ranch Found?

Taylor Pantalemon Ladera Ranch resident has not been found after her missing was reported on Monday.

Pantalemon’s family and her friends are worried about her sudden disappearance.

Taylor was last seen at 7 pm on Monday.

After that, there was no information about the teenager, and she also left her car and phone before she went missing.

Her parents and her family are overwhelmed by the incident and do everything they can to find her.

This is the first time any of the family members of the ranch has been disappeared.

Taylor usually has a cell phone, and she never leaves without checking.

🍊🚨Orange County Missing Teen

Taylor Pantalemon was last seen Monday night (2/21) at her home in Ladera Ranch, CA. If you have any info that would help her parents, please call/text 949-887-0585. Please share on social media, but also with your kids. Maybe they heard something. pic.twitter.com/mBkhqzOv0Z

— InMinivanHell (@inminivanhell) February 25, 2022

Taylor’s parents actively seek help from the general public, seeking information that could lead them to their daughters.

Authorities from California are doing their best to find the missing girl.

If you have information about Taylor, please contact at (949) 8870585 or (949) 3043683.

What Happened To Taylor Pantalemon? Missing Teen Update

Taylor Pantalemon is only 16 years old teenager who went missing on Monday night. She was lost from there mother’s home from 7 pm, leaving her phone and vehicle behind.

Her family shared photos on social media to find her.

The description is also included in the photo: Her height is 5 feet 1 inch, her eyes are brown, and her hair is dirty blonde.

Additionally, Taylor may be wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

Police are looking for Pantalemon everywhere, but they haven’t found any traces in this case.

Until now, no information has been released regarding her disappearance.

However, we want to update more information soon as the possible story develops.

Nevertheless, there is no waiting period to report a missing person in California.

MISSING GIRL- TAYLOR PANTALEMON Taylor is a 16 year old girl from Ladera Ranch, California. She has been missing since the night of 2/21/22. If you have seen her or know anything to do with her disappearance please contact the numbers as shown or the police.#bringtaylorhome pic.twitter.com/925uQgbBQN

— Addisen Ogden (@Addi38323430) February 24, 2022

All California police and sheriff departments must promptly receive all reports, including telephone reports of missing persons, including runaways, and prioritize the information processing.

The school is part of a network that assists in searching for missing persons.

There is an extensive search going on Taylor’s behalf contacting public school districts or private schools.